Secrets to Win Big with Arjun Sen  

S4 Ep 19: Adding One More: Differentiating Your Skills by Mastering One at a Time

Special Edition: Arjun Shares His Secrets

On a special edition of Secrets to Win Big, Arjun shares his tips on how anyone can go from an everyday worker to one of the top leaders of their industry. He has two secrets to living life successfully that he learned from the people at the top of their game. 

His first was See Beyond, to catch the little things first so everything runs smoothly. His second, 1 MORE, is a tip about starting from that little skill and adding onto it slowly. Because if you discard that one skill instead of building on top it, nothing will stand. 

Here is what to expect on this week’s show:

To be a two-ball juggler, you have to be really good at juggling just one.

Why it’s important to focus on every skill individually, so you can come back and still be a master.

How to attract customers by knowing the basics better than they do, therefore making your product more valuable than one they can make themselves.

Why it’s important to differentiate yourself and become “one of one” as opposed to “one of the many”.

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