Professor Ravikumar Bhaskaran is a legendary figure for IIT Kharagpur alumni who graduated between 1982 and 2005 when he was the Professor in Charge of Training and Placement. He was responsible for making IIT Kharagpur the nation most sought after IIT campus for recruitment, a position the Institute enjoys even today. I graduated from IIT Kharagpur in 1986 and was fortunate to benefit from the vision and leadership of the genius and leadership of Prof. Bhaskaran.


Here are some key insights from this week’s show:

– The excitement to face a challenge and the intent to deliver is enough to get the ball rolling.

– Learn to grab the opportunities that come your way.

– Make an impact by living up to the trust that others place in you.

– Discipline and standards can make one stand out in a crowd.

– The smallest of small details matter to put up the best show.

– Building bonds plays a major role in earning trust.

– There is no place for discrimination when you’re fully committed to serve.

– Not imposing conditions and graciously accepting results can sometimes work better than persuasion in the long run.

– Self-evaluation leads to figuring out your true passion, which in turn leads you in the direction where you shine and blossom.

– Human emotions are very tricky. Hesitation and panic can often lead to desperation.


Watch the video version here: